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Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 20(1): 1-9, ene.-abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367576


Introducción:el síndrome de Dravet, también conocido como epilepsia mioclónica grave de la infancia, corresponde a una encefalopatía epiléptica resistente a fármacos que inicia generalmente en el primer año de vida. Se caracteriza por crisis epilépticas que suelen tener múltiples desencadenantes; el más asociado es la presencia de episodios febriles previos. Se considera una enfermedad rara, debido a su baja incidencia y prevalencia. Presentación del caso: niño de 10 años de edad con un cuadro de epilepsia de origen estructural, asociada con un retraso en el neurodesarrollo y anomalías craneofaciales meno-res, con antecedente de cardiopatía congénita no corregida, colpocefalia y agenesia del cuerpo calloso. Debido a la persistencia de las crisis convulsivas y su consiguiente resistencia farmacológica, se le rea-lizó un exoma genético que evidenció una mutación del gen SCN9. Discusión: el síndrome de Dravet debe ser sospechado en todo paciente menor de un año que tenga crisis convulsivas a repetición asociadas con episodios febriles cuantificados. Aproximadamente, entre el 70 % y el 85 % de los pacientes con el diagnóstico de síndrome de Dravet presenta una mutación en el gen SCN1A, por lo que mutaciones en otros genes que codifican para canales de sodio, ubicados en el mismo cromosoma, como el SCN9A, podrían contribuir de forma multifactorial a dicha entidad

Introduction: Dravet syndrome, also known as severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy, is a drug resistant epileptic encephalopathy that usually begins in the first year of life. It is characterized by the presence of epileptic seizures that usually have multiple triggers; the most currently associated is the presence of previous febrile episodes. It is considered as a rare disease due to its low incidence and prevalence. Case presentation: We reported the case of a ten-year-old boy with structural epilepsy associated with a neuro-developmental delay and minor craniofacial anomalies. He had a history of uncorrected congenital heart disease, colpocephaly, and agenesis of the corpus callosum. Due to the persistence of seizures secondary to drug resistance, it was decided to perform a genetic exome that evidenced a mutation of the SCN9A gene. Conclusions: Dravet syndrome should be suspected in all patients under one year of age who have recu-rrent seizures associated with fever that does not respond to medication and modifies its presentation. Approximately 70%−85% of the patients diagnosed with Dravet syndrome have a mutation in the SCN1A gene; therefore, mutations in other genes that encode sodium channels located on the same chromosome, such as SCN9A, could contribute in a multifactorial way.

Introdução: a síndrome de Dravet, também conhecida como epilepsia mioclônica grave da infância, corresponde a uma encefalopatia epiléptica resistente a medicamentos que geralmente se inicia no primeiro ano de vida. É caracterizada pela presença de crises epilépticas que costumam ter múltiplos detonantes, sendo que o mais associado atualmente é a presença de episódios febris prévios. É conside-rada uma doença rara devido à sua baixa incidência e prevalência. Apresentação do caso: é apresentado o caso de um menino de 10 anos de idade com quadro de epilepsia de origem estrutural, associada a atraso no desenvolvimento neurológico e pequenas anomalias craniofaciais; com histórico de cardio-patia congênita não corrigida, colpocefalia e agenesia do corpo caloso. Devido à persistência das crises epilépticas e consequente resistência farmacológica, optou-se pela realização de um exoma genético que apresenta uma mutação do gene SCN9. Discussão: a síndrome de Dravet deve ser suspeitada em todos os pacientes com menos de um ano de idade que apresentam convulsões repetidas associadas a episódios febris quantificados. Aproximadamente 70 a 85% dos pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome de Dravet apresentam mutação no gene SCN1A, portanto mutações em outros genes que codificam canais de sódio, localizados no mesmo cromossomo, como o SCN9A, poderiam contribuir de forma multifatorial para essa entidade

Humans , Child , Epilepsies, Myoclonic , Seizures , Brain Diseases , Drug Resistance , Child , Epilepsy, Generalized , Drug Resistant Epilepsy
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(12): 1084-1089, Dec. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355706


ABSTRACT Background: Although epilepsy is primarily known as a cortical disorder, there is growing body of research demonstrating white matter alterations in patients with epilepsy. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and its association with seizure characteristics in patients with epilepsy. Methods: The prevalence of WMH in 94 patients with epilepsy and 41 healthy controls were compared. Within the patient sample, the relationship between the presence of WMH and type of epilepsy, frequency of seizures, duration of disease and the number of antiepileptic medications were investigated. Results: The mean age and sex were not different between patients and healthy controls (p>0.2). WMH was present in 27.7% of patients and in 14.6% of healthy controls. Diagnosis of epilepsy was independently associated with the presence of WMH (ß=3.09, 95%CI 1.06-9.0, p=0.039). Patients with focal epilepsy had higher prevalence of WMH (35.5%) than patients with generalized epilepsy (14.7%). The presence of WMH was associated with older age but not with seizure characteristics. Conclusions: WMH is more common in patients with focal epilepsy than healthy controls. The presence of WMH is associated with older age, but not with seizure characteristics.

RESUMO Antecedentes: Embora a epilepsia seja principalmente conhecida como um distúrbio cortical, há um crescente corpo de pesquisas que demonstra alterações na substância branca em pacientes com epilepsia. Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência de hiperintensidades da substância branca (WMH) e sua associação com características das crises em pacientes com epilepsia. Métodos: A prevalência de WMH em 94 pacientes com epilepsia e 41 controles saudáveis ​​foi comparada. Na amostra de pacientes, foi investigada a relação entre a presença de WMH e o tipo de epilepsia, a frequência das crises, a duração da doença e o número de medicamentos antiepilépticos. Resultados: A média de idade e o sexo não diferiram entre pacientes e controles saudáveis ​​(p>0,2). WMH estava presente em 27,7% dos pacientes, enquanto em 14,6% dos controles saudáveis. O diagnóstico de epilepsia foi independentemente associado à presença de WMH (ß=3,09, IC95% 1,06-9,0, p=0,039). Pacientes com epilepsia focal apresentaram maior prevalência de WMH (35,5%) do que pacientes com epilepsia generalizada (14,7%). A presença de WMH foi associada à idade avançada, mas não a características das crises. Conclusões: Pacientes com epilepsia focal têm WMH mais comum do que controles saudáveis. A presença de WMH está associada à idade avançada, mas não a características das crises epilépticas.

Humans , Aged , Epilepsy/drug therapy , Epilepsy/diagnostic imaging , White Matter/diagnostic imaging , Seizures/epidemiology , Seizures/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(6): 965-971, ago. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365090


Resumen La epilepsia mioclónica juvenil (EMJ) es un trastorno benigno con buena respuesta a la medicación antiepiléptica. Evaluaciones neuropsicológicas revelaron trastornos cognitivos leves. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar el desempeño cognitivo y síntomas anímicos de la EMJ comparados con controles normales. Se evaluaron en forma prospectiva 30 pacientes con EMJ y 29 controles pareados por edad, género, y escolaridad. Se analizaron las características clínicas de la EMJ. Se administró una batería cognitiva completa, un cuestionario auto-administrado de dificultades ejecutivas (DEX), un inventario de depresión validado para epilepsia NDDI-E, escala de depresión de Beck (BDI), escala de ansiedad (GAD-7) y escala de riesgo de suicidio (MINI). Sin diferencias significativas en edad y escolaridad ent re EMJ y controles. Tiempo medio de evolución de la enfermedad, 18 años. El 53% presentó tres tipos de crisis, mioclonías, ausencias y convulsiones tónico-clónicas generalizadas. Hubo diferencias significativas con mayores fallas en atención, funciones ejecutivas, un puntaje significativamente mayor en el DEX en pacientes con EMJ. Se encontró un mayor puntaje en el NDDI-E, BDI y GAD-7 en EMJ. No se hallaron diferencias en el riesgo de suicidio respecto a controles. El estudio confirma que la EMJ presenta mayores fallas en el funcionamiento atencional y las habilidades ejecutivas relacionadas con la flexibilidad e inhibición, siendo en la mayoría de los casos los pacientes conscientes de sus dificultades. Conocer estas dificultades permitirá un mejor abordaje terapéutico, y mejorar síntomas muchas veces desestimados.

Abstract Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is a benign disorder with a good response to antiepileptic drugs. Neurop sychological evaluations revealed mild cognitive deficits. The objective of this study is to determine the cognitive profile and mood symptoms in JME compared to normal controls. 30 patients with JME and 29 controls matched for age, gender, and education level were prospectively evaluated. The clinical characteristics were analysed. They were given a complete cognitive battery, a self-administered questionnaire of executive difficulties (DEX), the Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) and suicide risk scale (MINI). No significant differences in age and education were observed between JME and controls. Average time of evolution of the disease 18 years, 53% have three types of seizures: myoclonic, absence seizures and tonic-clonic seizures. Significant differences were found with greater failures in attention, executive function, a significantly higher score values in DEX in JME subjects. A higher score was found in the NDDI-E; BDI and GAD-7. No differences were found in the risk of suicide with respect to controls. The study confirms that JME presents greater failures in attentional functioning and executive skills related to flexibility and inhibition, with patients being aware of their difficulties in most cases. Knowing these difficulties would allow a better therapeutic approach to improve symptoms usually dismissed.

Repert. med. cir ; 29(3): 208-211, 2020. Ilus.
Article in English, Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1255382


Entre 1516 y 1520 Rafael Sanzio (1483-1520) realizó la obra Transfiguración. Es un cuadro de gran formato que representa un relato de los evangelios de Lucas, Mateo y Marcos con dos escenarios principales, el primero en la parte superior muestra la transfiguración de Cristo en el Monte Tabor; el segundo en la parte inferior expone la escena de un niño endemoniado que varios apóstoles intentan curar infructuosamente, lo cual solo ocurrió cuando Jesús lo hizo. Esta composición, en otras palabras, muestra un milagro fallido que no es habitual en el arte sacro. Un análisis desde la semiología neurológica permite aseverar que el niño poseído está presentando una crisis epiléptica tónica postural. Este artículo analiza la obra, la semiología neurológica en ella y su relación con la historia de la neurología

Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) painted The Transfiguration between 1516 and 1520. It is a large format painting that illustrates two main scenes as described in the Gospel accounts of Luke, Mathew and Mark. The first scene, in the upper half, shows Christ ́s transfiguration on Mount Tabor; the lower half, shows the devil-possessed child with the apostles who had attempted unsuccessfully to heal him, but Christ heals the boy. In other words, this composition shows a failed miracle which is unusual in sacred art. Based on a neurological semiology analysis we can assert that the possessed boy is experiencing a tonic postural seizure. This article analyzes the painting, the neurological features depicted in it and its relationship with the history of neurology.

History, Ancient , Epilepsy/history , Neurology , Paintings , Epilepsy, Generalized
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(2): 111-114, abr. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002616


El objetivo de este estudio fue combinar dos métodos automatizados de análisis estructural de imágenes de resonancia magnética para identificar cambios estructurales en pacientes nacidos en Argentina con epilepsia generalizada idiopática (EGI) en comparación con un grupo control de adultos sanos. Fueron incluidos 28 pacientes con EGI y 26 controles sin diferencias demográficas significativas. El análisis de las estructuras cerebrales se realizó con dos métodos automatizados de análisis de imágenes de resonancia magnética: la morfometría basada en vóxel y con la herramienta de segmentación y registro integrada FSL (FSL-FIRST). FSL mostró una disminución del volumen en ambos tálamos en EGI en comparación con el grupo control (tálamo izquierdo: 8092 mm³ grupo control vs. 7424 mm³ EGI, p = 0.0015; tálamo derecho: 7951 mm³ grupo control vs. 7247 mm³ EGI, p = 0.0016). Se observó una reducción en el volumen de ambos núcleos caudados (izquierdo: 3612 mm³ grupo control vs. 3376 mm³ EGI, p = 0.01; derecho 3683 mm³ grupo control vs. 3459 mm³ EGI, p = 0.04). La morfometría basada en vóxel mostró una disminución del volumen en ambos núcleos caudados en EGI en comparación con el grupo control. Las otras estructuras cerebrales analizadas no mostraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Este estudio muestra la reducción en el volumen en las estructuras subcortical, tálamos y núcleos caudados en pacientes con EGI comparado con un grupo control.

The purpose of this study was to combine two automated methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) structural analysis in order to identify structural changes in patients born in Argentina with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) compared to a healthy adult control group. Twenty-eight patients with IGE and 26 controls with no significant demographic differences were included. The analysis of the brain structures was conducted with two automated methods of magnetic resonance image analysis: voxel-based morphometry and FSL-integrated registration and segmentation toolbox (FSL-FIRST). FSL showed volume decrease in both thalamus in patients with IGE compared to the control group (left: 8092 mm³ control group vs. 7424 mm³ IGE, p = 0.0015; right: 7951 mm³ control group vs. 7247 mm³ IGE, p = 0.0016). A reduction in the volume of both caudate nuclei was also seen (left: 3612 mm³ control group vs. 3376 mm³ IGE, p = 0.01; right: 3683 mm³ control group vs. 3459 mm³ IGE, p = 0.04). Voxel-based-morphometry showed a volume decrease in both caudate nuclei in patients with IGE compared to the control group. The other cerebral structures analyzed did not show significant differences between the groups. In conclusion, this study shows the reduction in volume in the subcortical, thalamic, and caudate nuclei structures in patients with IGE in comparison to control group. This study conducted in our country delves into the analysis of brain structural changes in patients with EGI compared to healthy subjects.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Brain/pathology , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Epilepsy, Generalized/pathology , Epilepsy, Generalized/diagnostic imaging , Organ Size , Argentina , Reference Values , Thalamus/pathology , Thalamus/diagnostic imaging , Case-Control Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance
Acta neurol. colomb ; 34(3): 175-183, sep.2018. tablas, gráficas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-968819


INTRODUCCIÓN: las epilepsias genéticas generalizadas (EGG) siguen patrones de herencia compleja. Este fenotipo es producto de la interacción de diferentes genes con factores ambientales. Los genes/loci más consistentemente asociados con este grupo de epilepsias son ECA1, ECA2-GABRG2, ECA3-CLCN2 (también conocido como JME6-CLCN2), JME1-EFHC1 y JME5-GABRA1. En Colombia poco se sabe sobre la contribución de las variantes genéticas en estos genes a la susceptibilidad para ser afectado por cualquiera de las formas de EGG. Nuestro propósito fue evaluar el papel de los cinco genes/loci más consistentemente asociados en otros estudios en un grupo de familias colombianas con EGG. MÉTODOS: se evaluaron dos marcadores para cada locus/gen. Los genotipos se obtuvieron mediante las técnicas de PCR-RFLP y ARMS-Tetraprimer. Los análisis estadísticos incluyeron pruebas de asociación alélica y haplotípica, además de pruebas de interacción gen-gen. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 98 familias, de las cuales 51 fueron epilepsia de ausencias, mientras que 47 fueron epilepsia mioclónica juvenil. Se identificó una interacción significativa entre el alelo G del marcador rs4428455 (valor P=0,0008; gen GABRA1) y el alelo G de marcador rs719395 (valor P=0,002; gen EFHC1). CONCLUSIÓN: estos dos marcadores parecen incrementar el riesgo de EGG en población colombiana. Otros genes no analizados aquí podrían estudiarse con una muestra de mayor tamaño

INTRODUCTION: Generalized genetic epilepsies (GGE) follow complex inheritance patterns. This phenotype is due to interaction of several genes with environmental factors. The genes/loci most consistently associated with this group of epilepsies are ECA1, ECA2-GABRG2, ECA3-CLCN2 (also known as JME6-CLCN2), JME1-EFHC1 and JME5-GABRA1. In Colombia, little is known about the contribution of gene variants to susceptibility to GGE forms. Our purpose was to evaluate the role of the five most consistently associated genes /loci in other studies, in Colombian families set with GGE. METHODS: Genotypes were obtained by means of PCR-RFLP and ARMS-Tetraprimer. Statistical analyses included both allelic and haplotypic association tests, in addition to gene-gene interaction tests. Two genetic markers were tested for each gene/locus. RESULTS: Ninety-eight families were included, from which 51 had absence epilepsy, and 47 had juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. A significant interaction was identified between allele G at marker rs4428455 (P-value= 0.0008; gene GABRA1) and allele G at marker rs719395 (P-value= 0.002; gene EFHC1). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that these two markers are associated with GGE in the Colombian population. Other genes not analyzed could be tested using a larger sample size.

Humans , Epilepsy, Generalized , Epilepsy , Genes
Repert. med. cir ; 26(1): 3-8, 2017. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-849472


Se han hecho innumerables intentos para lograr una definición que incluya toda la semiología y fisiología que envuelve la epilepsia, y tratar de hacerlo ha sido una tarea que ha tomado muchos años. Aunado a ello se ha propuesto una clasificación en diferentes grupos según su inicio y desencadenamiento, como lo son focales y generalizadas. La presente revisión versará acerca de la epilepsia occipital, clasificada antes dentro de las crisis parciales, en las que se han identificado un curso y un pronóstico favorables en el transcurso del tiempo, y que tienen en común un inicio en la edad temprana. Ha sido descrito que algunos de estos trastornos pudieran tener una base genética hereditaria o bien esporádica en otros, lo cual requiere una investigación exhaustiva. Por lo anterior se hace necesaria una revisión completa acerca de la epilepsia occipital, con el fin de dar claridad conceptual, clínica y diagnóstica de este desorden, así como para hacer aportes al conocimiento de la misma en pro de mejorar la calidad de vida y el tratamiento en la práctica clínica de pacientes que se encuentren dentro del espectro de esta enfermedad.

Epilepsy and its overall semiology and physiology have been subject to Innumerable definition attempts which have taken many years of effort. Likewise, a proposal for an epilepsy classification based on onset and precipitating factors was developed dividing seizures into focal and generalized seizures. This article reviews occipital lobe epilepsy which was formerly classified in the partial seizures group characterized by a favorable course and prognosis over time and by onset during early childhood. A possible genetic hereditary origin and that they may be sporadic has been described for some of these problems and still require a thorough investigation. Thus, it is necessary to conduct an extensive review on occipital lobe epilepsy for obtaining conceptual, clinical and diagnostic clarity as well as, to enhance knowledge on this illness for improving quality of life and clinical treatment in patients experiencing this spectrum of disorders.

Epilepsy , Occipital Lobe , Epilepsy, Generalized , Electroencephalography
Acta neurol. colomb ; 32(1): 18-26, ene.-mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-779504


Introducción: Las características clínicas y electroencefalográficas de la Epilepsia Generalizada Genética permiten clasificarla en varios subsindromes, sin embargo, existen variaciones en las anormalidades del electroencefalograma y la presentación clínicas entre los síndromes. Objetivo: los datos epidemiológicos relacionados con las epilepsias generalizadas genéticas en Colombia son escasos. En el presente estudio se analizaron los síndromes de las Epilepsias Generalizadas Genéticas (EGG) de acuerdo a las características demográficas, clínicas y electroencefalográficas para determinar el endofenotipo local y poder establecer un punto de referencia que constituya el fundamento de las investigaciones genéticas. Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo realizado en el Centro Especializado CEC-LAB de la Clínica IPS Universitaria León XIII, se reunieron los registros de pacientes entre el 2010 y 2012. Se describieron aquellos con diagnóstico de EGG a través de variables demográficas, clínicas y electroencefalográficas por síndrome. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron frecuencias, proporciones, promedios, medianas y medidas de dispersión. Resultados: se estudiaron 5.357 pacientes, de ellos 53(1%) presentó diagnóstico de EGG. La edad promedio fue de 19 años (+/- 15 años). La epilepsia de fenotipo variable obtuvo la mayor prevalencia (21%), la menor y mayor edad de inicio de crisis la presentaron la epilepsia de ausencia mioclónica y mioclónica juvenil respectivamente. Se evidenciaron todos los tipos de crisis usuales en cada síndrome, y una gran variedad de anormalidades electroencefalográficas. Conclusión: los síndromes electroclínicos no pueden ser aplicados a toda la población, su valoración debe ser individualizada, se debe intentar integrarlos a la clasificación actual, siendo cauteloso con los casos que se desvían de una descripción específica desde el punto de vista clínico y electroencefalográfico, por lo cual se debe usar un enfoque neurobiológico que permita comprender y orientar a estos pacientes.

Introduction: The clinical and electroencephalographic features in the Generalized Genetic Epilepsy define several subsyndromes, however, variations of the Electroencephalogram abnormalities and clinical presentation between the syndromes exist. Objective: Epidemiological data regarding genetic generalized epilepsies in Colombia are scarce. In the present study the Generalized Genetic Epilepsy (GGE) syndromes were analyzed based on the demographic, clinical and electroencephalographic to determine local endophenotype and to establish a benchmark that forms the basis of genetic research. Materials and methods: This retrospective study was carried out in the CEC-LAB Specialized Center University Clinic IPS Leo XIII, patient records between 2010 and 2012. It describes those patient diagnosed with EGG and their electroencephalographic, demographic and clinical features by the syndromic classification. For statistical analysis frequencies, proportions, means, medians and dispersion measures were used. Results: 5,357 patients were collected, of them 53 (1%) presented diagnosis of EGG. The average age was 19 years (+/- 15 years). The Variable epilepsy phenotype had the highest prevalence (21%), the younger and older start of seizures were presented in myoclonic absence epilepsy and juvenile myoclonic respectively. Each syndrome presented the classical type of seizures and a variety of EEG abnormalities. Conclusion: electroclinical syndromes cannot be applied to the entire population, their evaluation should be individualized and try to integrate them into the current syndromic classification, being cautious with cases that deviate from a specific electroencephalographic and clinical description whereupon the clinician must be prepared to use a neurobiological approach to understand and guide these patients.

Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 9(1): 35-37, jun. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998283


INTRODUCCIÓN: El estatus epiléptico superrefractario se define como convulsiones de 24 horas o más posterior al uso de anestésicos generales. Se presenta el siguiente caso con el fin de discutir el uso de anticonvulsivantes y la importancia del manejo multidisciplinario. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Escolar masculino de 8 años con antecedentes mórbidos de epilepsiades de los 2 meses en tratamiento con ácido valproico, lamotrigina y clobazam por recurrencia de crisis hipotónicas. Se hospitaliza por crisis atónicas frecuentes y compromiso de conciencia, se inicia levetiracetam y se retira lamotrigina. Electroencefalograma (EEG) muestra actividad epileptiforme muy frecuente sin variación ingresándose a unidad cuidados intensivos para administración de metilprednisolona por 5 días y manejo del estatus epiléptico superrefractario con midazolam en infusión continúa. Nuevo EEG severamente patológico compatible con status epiléptico eléctrico generalizado por lo que se induce coma barbitúrico con diferentes esquemas de tiopental y ketamina con persistencia del patrón de estallido supresión. Tras lo cual se modifica esquema a propofol y topiramato manteniendo antiepilépticos de base. A los 2 días de uso, se suspende propofol por mala respuesta, tras lo cual presenta 2 crisis convulsivas iniciándose fenobarbital. Evoluciona deforma favorable, sin crisis epilépticas clínicas, por lo que se decide alta con ácido valproico, levetiracetam, fenobarbital y topiramato. DISCUSIÓN: La tórpida evolución del caso expuesto y la necesidad de múltiples esquemas farmacológicos dejan en evidencia la necesidad de disponer y conocer el modo de uso de un amplio arsenal de fármacos anticonvulsivantes

INTRODUCTION: Super-refractory status epilepticus is defined as a 24 hours or more lasting seizure after the use of anaesthetics. The following case is shown in order to discuss the use of anticonvulsants and the importance of multidisciplinary management. CASE REPORT: 8 year old male with morbid history of epilepsy since 2 months old treated with valproic acid, lamotrigine and clobazam for recurrent hypotonic crisis. Is hospitalized for frequent atonicseizures and impaired consciousness, levetiracetam is initiated and lamotrigine removed. Electroencephalogram (EEG) shows persistent very frequent epileptiform activity. Patient is admitted to the intensive care unit for administration of methylprednisolone for 5 days and management with continuous infusion of midazolam for the super-refractory status epilepticus. New severely abnormal EEG compatible with generalized electrical status epilepticus deciding to induce a barbiturate coma with different schemes of ketamine and thiopental. Because of persistent suppression burst patter whereupon scheme is changed to propofol and topiramte maintaining chronic antiepileptic. After 2 days of use, propofol is suspended for poor response, after which the patient presents 2 seizures beginning the use of phenobarbital. He evolved favourably, without clinical seizures, so it is decided hospital discharge with valproic acid, levetiracetam, phenobarbital and topiramate. DISCUSSION: The torpid case exposed and the lack for multiple drug regimens are evidence of the need of having a wide arsenal of anticonvulsant drugs and how to use them

Humans , Male , Child , Status Epilepticus/complications , Status Epilepticus/drug therapy , Ketamine/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use
Med. infant ; 21(4): 310-317, diciembre 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-916451


El objetivo del trabajo es profundizar en el conocimiento de procesos atencionales mnésicos y ejecutivos en pacientes con epilepsia. Comparados con un grupo control de similar edad y nivel educativo se encontraron diferencias significativas en atención, memoria, funciones ejecutivas y lenguaje. Entre epilepsias generalizadas y parciales no hubo diferencias. Los déficits encontrados impactan sobre el área académica. Es por tanto necesario implementar adecuaciones pedagógicas que modulen los contenidos académicos (AU)

The aim of this study was to enhance our knowledge on new attentional numerical and executive processes in patients with epilepsy. Compared to an age- and education-matched control group, significant differences in attention, memory, executive functions, and language development were observed. No differences were found between generalized and partial epilepsies. These deficits have an impact on academic performance. Therefore it is necessary to tailor educational therapy modulating the academic contents (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Neurocognitive Disorders/diagnosis , Neurocognitive Disorders/etiology , Epilepsy/complications , Epilepsy/psychology , Neuropsychological Tests , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Executive Function , Observational Study , Memory and Learning Tests , Language Disorders/diagnosis
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 68(3): 472-474, June 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-550289


Members of the Brazilian Royal Family carry a rich medical history of epileptic seizures and alike. OBJECTIVE: To present the medical knowledge about epilepsy by the time of the Brazilian Empire, as reported by the royal family. METHOD: Narrative review of historical facts about D. Pedro I's family health. RESULTS: The Royal Family, since D. João VI's generation is full of members with epilepsy or acute symptomatic seizures of different etiologies. CONCLUSION: The reported cases suggest that Dom Pedro I's family presented epilepsy with tonic-clonic generalized seizures, besides psychogenic, organic non epileptic events and acute symptomatic seizures. As a whole, this familial epilepsy could fit the diagnosis of generalized epilepsy with febrile convulsion plus.

Há uma história médica rica de crises epilépticas e similares nos membros da família real brasileira. OBJETIVO: Apresentar o conhecimento médico sobre epilepsia à época do Império no Brasil, conforme informado pelos acometidos da família real. MÉTODO: Revisão narrativa de fatos históricos sobre a saúde da família de D. Pedro I. RESULTADOS: A genealogia da família real, desde a geração de D. João VI é repleta de pessoas acometidas por epilepsia ou crises sintomáticas agudas de diversas etiologias. CONCLUSÃO: O relato de casos sugere que Dom Pedro I e sua família apresentavam epilepsia de incidência familiar predominantemente com crises tônico-clonicas generalizadas, além de eventos sintomáticos agudos, psicogênicos e orgânicos não epilépticos. Como um todo, a epilepsia dessa família poderia ser enquadrada no diagnóstico de epilepsia generalizada com convulsão febril plus.

Female , History, 19th Century , Humans , Male , Epilepsy/history , Family Health , Famous Persons , Brazil , Epilepsy/genetics
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 68(2): 317-319, Apr. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-545936


Intrauterine seizure is a rare event. Genetic predisposition and trauma are possible risk factors. OBJECTIVE: To review and comment on the historical description of intrauterine events of a bastard daughter of Dom Pedro I (Maria Isabel Alcântara Brasileira - 1830-1896). METHOD: Review of historical facts about the health of Dom Pedro I's daughter according to primary and secondary historical data. RESULTS: According to historical accounts, Dom Pedro I's daughter suffered trauma during the intrauterine period that provoked intrauterine seizures. At the age of eight years, she developed self-limited and benign generalized epilepsy. Like her father, she had mood problems and also learning difficulties. CONCLUSION: Dona Maria Isabel's own report does not shown sufficient evidence to support the diagnosis of post-traumatic intrauterine seizures. Nevertheless, her family history suggests a genetic basis for her epilepsy.

A convulsão intra-uterina é evento raro, sendo possíveis fatores de risco a genética e o traumatismo. OBJETIVO: Rever e comentar a descrição histórica de eventos intra-uterinas de uma filha bastarda de D. Pedro I (Maria Isabel Alcântara Brasileira - 1830-1896). MÉTODO: Revisão dos fatos históricos sobre a saúde da filha do D. Pedro I, de acordo com dados históricos primários e secundários. RESULTADOS: A filha de Dom Pedro I, de acordo com relatos históricos teria sofrido um traumatismo durante o período intra-uterino, o que provocou convulsões intra-uterinas. Na idade de oito anos a menina desenvolveu uma epilepsia generalizada limitada e benigna. Como seu pai, teve problemas do humor e, também, dificuldades de aprendizagem. CONCLUSÃO: O relato de Dona Maria Isabel não gera prova suficiente para sustentar o diagnóstico de convulsões intra-uterinas de origem traumática. Não obstante, seus antecedentes familiares sugerem uma base genética para sua epilepsia.

History, 19th Century , Humans , Epilepsy/history , Brazil , Epilepsy/genetics , Fetal Diseases/history , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/history
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(4): 191-196, Dec. 2007. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-476668


PURPOSE: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life (QOL) and verify the domains of greater impact in patients with focal and generalized epilepsies. METHODS: The sample, composed by 57 subjects from Hospital São Paulo da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, was divided into 3 groups, temporal lobe epilepsies (TLE), extra-temporal epilepsies (Extra-TLE) and idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). They answered a preliminary self-reported questionnaire to identify the perception of the most impaired aspects in their lives. The QOL was evaluated through the validated Brazilian version of the Quality of Life Epilepsy Inventory 31 (QOLIE-31). The correlation of the QOLIE-31 domains with epilepsy duration and seizure frequency was defined by dispersion graphics and also Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation. RESULTS: The most frequently identified impact of epilepsy was related to interpersonal, familial and social relationships mentioned by 13 (22.81 percent) patients. The seizure frequency per patient in Extra-TLE group was significantly greater (p = 0.007) than in the other groups. The Cognition Functioning scores were lower for the Extra-TLE group (38.4) when compared with TLE (52.6) and IGE (62.6) (p = 0.01). The correlation between epilepsy duration and QOLIE-31 domains did not demonstrate statistical significance; however, seizure frequency was correlated with Seizures Worry (p = 0.0463, alpha = 0.05) and Medication Effects (p = 0.0476, alpha = 0.05) domains. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Interpersonal, familial, and social relationships were the dimension which most impacted daily life; 2) Cognition domain in Extra-TLE group showed the worst scores; 3) QOL scores were similar in the three groups for the majority of the QOLIE-31 domains; 4) The seizure frequency in the Extra-TLE group was significantly greater; 5) Seizure frequency was associated with worse QOLIE-31 scores in the domains Seizure Worry and Medication Effects.

OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) em três diferentes grupos de epilepsia e verificar a esfera percebida como de maior impacto na vida diária. METODOLOGIA: A amostra foi composta por 57 pacientes com epilepsias focais e generalizadas do Hospital São Paulo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, divididos em três grupos, epilepsias do lobo temporal (ELT), extratemporais (Extra-ELT) e generalizadas idiopáticas (EGI). Os pacientes responderam a um questionário preliminar para identificar a percepção sobre os aspectos mais comprometidos em suas vidas. A QV foi avaliada por meio da versão brasileira do Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory 31 (QOLIE-31). A correlação dos domínios do QOLIE-31 com a duração da epilepsia e freqüência de crises foi definida pela inspeção dos gráficos de dispersão e pela correlação de Pearson e de Spearman. Foram considerados significantes os valores de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Dificuldades nas relações interpessoais, familiares e sociais foram apontadas como a esfera de maior impacto relacionado à epilepsia, citada por 13 (22,81 por cento) pacientes. O QOLIE-31 mostrou resultado semelhante nos três diferentes tipos de epilepsia, com exceção do domínio Funcionamento Cognitivo. Os escores deste domínio foram significativamente menores (p = 0,01) no grupo com Extra-ELT (38,4) do que nos grupos ELT (52,6) e EGI (62,6). A duração da epilepsia não influenciou na QOL nesta amostra, porém foi observada uma correlação estatística significante entre a freqüência de crises e os domínios Efeitos da Medicação (p = 0,0476, alfa = 0,05) e Preocupação com Crises (p = 0,0463, alfa = 0,05). A freqüência de crises mostrou ainda uma diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0.007) no grupo com Extra-ELT, que apresentou mais crises/paciente, quando comparado aos demais grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes identificaram as relações interpessoais, familiares e sociais como sendo a área mais afetada pela...

Humans , Quality of Life , Epilepsy, Generalized , Sickness Impact Profile , Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe , Surveys and Questionnaires , Interpersonal Relations
J. epilepsy clin. neurophysiol ; 13(3): 137-141, Sept. 2007. graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-471131


INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com epilepsia generalizada primária (idiopática) podem, raramente, não responder ao tratamento medicamentoso e assim apresentar crises tônico-clônicas generalizadas (CTCG) recorrentes, incapacitantes e que colocam o paciente em risco de complicações graves. OBJETIVO: Nesse artigo é relatado o caso de um paciente com epilepsia generalizada primária e CTCG semanais, refratárias a diversos esquemas medicamentosos, que foi submetido a uma calosotomia. RESULTADO: No curto espaço de 3 meses de seguimento pós-operatório, o paciente não mais apresentou CTCG. CONCLUSÃO: A calosotomia pode ser um procedimento útil na redução da freqüência de CTCG refratárias, mesmo em pacientes com epilepsia generalizada primária.

INTRODUCTION: Patients with idiophatic generalized epilepsy (IGE) may occasionally have frequent generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) which are not adequantely controlled by antiepileptic drugs. Frequent GTCS pose a significant risk of injury and other complications. In symptomatic generalized epilepsies, corpus callosotomy (CC) has been shown to be effective in reducing the number of generalized seizures. OBJECTIVE: We report a patient with refractory, weekly GTCS in the context of a primary generalized epilepsy syndrome who underwent subtotal CC. RESULT: In the 3 months since operation, no GTCS occurred. CONCLUSION: Corpus callosotomy can be helpful in reducing medically-refractory GTCS, even in patients with primary generalized epilepsies.

Humans , Adolescent , Seizures/etiology , Epilepsy, Generalized/surgery , Drug Resistant Epilepsy , Anticonvulsants/adverse effects
Campinas; s.n; 2006. 120 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-604036


Epilepsias generalizadas idiopáticas (EGI) constituem de 20-40% das epilepsias e de forma oposta às epilepsias parciais, anormalidades estruturais não são esperadas. De acordo com a idade de início e o tipo principal de crise, as EGI são divididas principalmente em epilepsia ausência infantil e juvenil (EA), epilepsia mioclônica juvenil (EMJ) e epilepsia com crises tônico-clônicas generalizadas (CTCG). Os limites entre estas subsíndromes são imprecisos e a classificação muitas vezes é difícil. Devido às características semelhantes, alguns autores consideram a EGI como uma única patologia com múltiplos fenótipos (continuum biológico). O eletroencefalograma (EEG) auxilia no diagnóstico das EGI especialmente quando evidencia descargas do tipo espícula onda-lenta generalizadas com atividade de base normal. Entretanto, o EEG pode ser normal e até mesmo mostrar focalidades dificultando o diagnóstico. A ressonância magnética (RM) não é realizada de forma rotineira em pacientes com EGI. Contudo, novas técnicas de aquisição e processamento de imagens vêm detectando anormalidades sutis nestes indivíduos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a fisiopatologia das EGI através da análise de características clínicas, eletroencefalográficas e de neuroimagem. Inicialmente, as características dos EEGs de 180 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de EGI foram avaliadas. 493 exames foram analisados. Em 33% dos pacientes o EEG inicial foi característico e em 22% o exame evidenciou focalidades. Após a identificação de focalidades utilizamos a neuroimagem convencional (análise visual) na avaliação de 134 pacientes com EGI. Observamos anormalidades na RM de 27 (20%) pacientes. A maioria das anormalidades não apresentou relação direta com as crises. Utilizamos a técnica da morfometria baseada...

Idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGE) represent 20-40% of all epilepsies and opposed to partial epilepsies, structural abnormalities are not expected. According to the age of onset and the main seizure type, IGE are divided mainly in childhood and juvenile absence epilepsy (AE), juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS). The limits between these subsyndromes are unclear and sometimes classification is difficult. Because of the similar characteristics, some authors consider IGE as a single pathology with multiple phenotypes (biological continuum). Electroencephalogram (EEG) helps the IGE diagnosis specially when it shows the generalized spike and wave discharges with normal background. However, the EEG may be normal or even disclose focalities difficulting the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not routinely performed in patients with IGE. In spite of this, new techniques of acquisition and processing of the images are detecting subtle abnormalities in these individuals. The objective of this study was to investigate the pathophysiology of the IGE using the clinical, EEG and neuroimaging features. Initially, the characteristics of the EEGs of 180 patients with clinical diagnosis of IGE were evaluated. 493 exams were analyzed. In 33% of the patients the initial EEG was characteristic and in 22% the exam revealed focalities. After the identification of the focalities, we used conventional neuroimaging (visual analysis) on the evaluation of 134 patients with IGE. We observed abnormalities in the MRI of 27 (20%) patients. Most of the abnormalities were not directly related to the seizures. We used the voxel base morphometry (VBM) technique to evaluate...

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Epilepsies, Myoclonic , Epilepsy , Epilepsy, Generalized , Myoclonic Epilepsy, Juvenile , Diagnostic Techniques, Neurological , Electroencephalography , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy